501st Post and a New Year
Hellohello. Well it's a sunny day today, quite something new since the past week's been rather gloomy but snowy nonetheless.
It actually is New Year's Eve and I'm missing you guys and home over here in Nottingham. I have my essays to rush through and that means I won't be able to visit my Sangor and cousin in Birmingham, about 2h away by train. Perhaps some of us will be leaping into the new year with realtime-reality-inducing countdowns. As for me, it'll have to be "Hello 2006" in my own way. Hahaha.
In any case, I'm quite sure that as I type over here on my laptop, you guys are probably doing something pertaining to the celebrative nature of ushering in 2006. (And Peiyun should have touched down from Yunnan yesterday, yes?) Just wanted to say that it's been a fruitful year for me, with ups and downs, gleeful days and dismal ones alike, and that I've grown. My wings seem sturdier. And my eyesight, I swear, it's becoming less 6/6-perfect now.
My hopes for the new year remain those ongoing ones. And the mini-one is to be a more thoughtful friend after what seems like a long hiatus from keeping in touch with everybody else. What are yours?
I can't believe we're turning 21. I can't believe Fleacia's turning 21. I can't believe my parents have 养ed me for this long. And I'm going to change the digit on the blog after this post.
Huayuan's on night-call tonight, so it's quite coincidental with my predicament too. You guys can send a Gang message to threaten him a Happy New Year all right. Haha, can just imagine, "EH. YOU BETTER HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR." Haaah. Miss you guys la.
I feel like there're only a few hours left of 2005 and soon I'll not be able to speak to anyone or do anything in this "realm". So I'll leave you guys with one of the more quintessential pictures of 2005-huayu here.

:) Goodbye, 2005.