Hello it's been a little quiet on our blog huh. I know I haven't been posting so here are a handful of photos :D

It was Agnes's birthday. We went to TGIF's. Li-Ling and I were doing the constipated-for-a-week look.

For a month. Haha, and by the way she says hi to alllll of you :)

Obviously one of the index fingers is mine. Question is: which? :D Not that hard to guess la. I got pudgy fingers and toes anyway.

One sunny day, I took Cow and Pig to bask on the clothes line in the backyard. My housemates and I did major gardening one weekend.

And Loaf has a special seat since I would have some problems clipping it to the clothesline.

And here are my Mashimaro slippers.

And on the way to getting the bus after exercising at the gym one evening, Jennifer and I picked up a 5-pound note! Cool huh.

Halloween party. I wasn't too keen to turn up so I put together some hotchpotch of a "costume" last minute when I was persuaded by some peer pressure from home. Haha. Was supposed to be kinky cowgirl. In this picture though, I was wearing Denise's pirate hat and using her pirate gun. Heh.

Yup, this is Denise. Haha. She was giving a come-hither look. Her whole get-up was really piratey and cool.

Pravisha, me and the pumpkin that Zhongyong carved.

Shoes! I miss my shoes back home.

The blue shoe’s mine! Haha, and I was just so inclined to buy up the bubblegum glossy pink pair man. So you can see I’ve been pretty girly la :)

Wooden roses! Am giving some away to Liqin for her birthday. And it’s not that it was really late. Just that the sun sets by 530pm these days.

That’s Stefanie and Jennifer flanking me. We were listening to live music at Geisha. I’m quite sure the gang will like the place, especially Huimin. It’s got a Japanese theme and the cocktails are pretty and sweet. The Geisha photographer, who’s Stefanie’s friend, snapped photos of us and loaded them onto the website attached to the photo.
Haha. I wish I had photos of me studying in the library or at this quiet corridor in the School of Law. It's not all fun and games over here you know. But I don't really do those self-taken-of-self-only photos very well (and not like I have a lot of practice). So you all can just imagine me studying very hard at a certain desk ok :)
Oh and there's been a Facebook craze in the UK unis. The program is similar to Friendster but much more well-managed (and intrusive). My account has about 12 friends though, because I have just set it up and I don't go on it very much. Still, if you have time, it's quite fun to check out :)
Ok back to trust law.
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