i was reading the very very first few posts when the blog started.. it was started 2 years ago at around this time, near peiyun's birthday.
i cant help but feel torrents of mixed feeling..
all of us just started our uni life.
how serene started the blog
how fel hope tt it wont be flooded with whinnings
qi li xiang - tt reminded of an early morning at huay's house aft sleepover
how we celebrated py's 19th birthday
how me and huay took our first driving test..
how we are trying to come to terms of huay leaving us for the first time.
those were good times eh?
2 years down the road
how we have all changed so much, i mean really tremendously.
i get we grew up, more mature more adultish
w py being the last in the league to join the leagally-of-age.
it has been a v long time
it really has
these years have witnessed so much
so much tt has gone to the most obsolete corner of my brain, waiting to b teased out gingerly w slight visual reminders.
i'm glad we have a blog like this. i really do.
watever it is
u guys know tt u are all special to me la.
just some thoughts ~*
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