the perfect moment
hey guys. did u read the sunday times today? apart from our junior who was suffering from cancer (its a sad post).. there's this page 31 that touched a part of me as well...
a memoir. do take time to read. but i will leave you with that two paragraphs that i like a lot.
".. in each case i tried to focus on something especially meaningful. i attempted to turn the occasion into what i had come to think of as a Perfect Moment. A Perfect Moment was a little gift of an hour, or an afternoon. itrs actual length was never the issue... i marvelled at how many perfect moments i was having. as much as i had loved the hustle and bustle of my previous life, i could not help but think back on how rare such moments had been. of course there had been perfect moments in my past. the day i married corinne. the day i adopted marianne, the day gina was born. but almost all those moments one could have seen coming. they were not the mundane, fabric-of-life stuff..."
-- eugene o'kelly
what Perfect Moments do you have?
and what Perfect Moments have i shared with each of you?
cherish life. its too short.
love and more love,
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