yakuza - always worth it in the name of fun!

the gang. 9 years of friendship.. and i heard the fraction will tend to one as we age.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

European Film Fest 2005


Date: 8 Oct (Sat)
Time: 930pm
Venue: GV plaze
Price: 8.50 buks for students but subject to availability
(anyone know how we can check if there are still seats available so we wont make a wasted trip if we eventually decide to go?)

Title: From Zero To Ten (Da Zero A Dieci)
Directed by Luciano Ligabue, Italy, 2002, 99 minutes, M18

Biccio, a doctor. Giove, an aspiring rock star. Baygon, a worker and sex maniac. Libero, an aspiring pilot. These four friends return to Rimini to finish a weekend that was interrupted twenty years ago. Rimini represents a return to their youth. Rimini is like a mirror of one's true self. The reunion becomes a report card of sorts, allowing the four friends to exchange notes and calibrate their lives, achievements, disappointments and triumphs. Festivals: Annecy Cinema Italien; Cannes; Cinema Mediterranean Montpellier.

there are a few other interesting films i'd like to watch too (if possible)
go to http://www.sfs.org.sg/2005/10euff.html to check out the schedule