czech (chick) flick!
There are a few ingredients that will make a successful feel-good chick flick worth raving about.
First a gorgeous lead actress a la the likes of sandrabullock, who has nice (big, round) boobs - yeah I am intrigued! Although I shall not venture to explain why.. and nice jet black curls. She has to hold a girly job: writer for a woman's magazine and she has to have an airhead best friend who is not so pretty. (to gush about love interest, get drunk with, cry to and drag along to events that need the presence of a third party)
Then a gorgeous lead actor who is sexy, witty yet SNAGy in the "I can't live without our pancakes" kinda way. He has to be considerably (and charmingly) old. But not old enough to be sleeping in a coffin rather than a bed. He can't be tied down, which explains your joy when you ask him to marry you and he actually agrees. He spoils you enough to tolerate your 9038357 bottles of hair conditioners that take up the ledge of his bath tub and he has to beg you for four inches to place a glass of wine and olives soaked in soap. Ultimately he has to love you enough to write you love letter and be loaded enough to buy ad spaces on subway to post copies of them.
You need a cosy apartment with a balcony for your mother to get to know her (would-be) lover next door. You need the same balcony to hang pretty lingerie, take a smoke, wave to visiting loverboy who yaks too much about his phone obssession and ultimately, for the movie to wrap up poignantly at, with snow flakes falling and family (and lovers) gathering for christmas dinner, all through the window by the balcony. Which reminds me, you need CHRISTMAS! carols.. and you need snow. You need them all in Prague, where all the castles show. (oh! I rhyme!)
The film is complete bc the audience left the cinema pondering if the ideal man is a virus that invades a woman's rationalty. And given how december is nearing, the same audience wondered if the right people will be together on christmas eve, as suggested by the film. But I think most importantly the audience, or some of them, felt hopeful at the idea of the feasibility of finding love in an OLD man, which is essential given how some of them might never marry, and even if they do, might be as old as the old man they marry. At least the lack of spikey hair is traded off for wealth and a passionate and touching love letter on the subway.