yakuza - always worth it in the name of fun!
the gang. 9 years of friendship.. and i heard the fraction will tend to one as we age.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

hey as u know where iam wking. today BOSS sends me on a tour all by myself. this is the first shot. not bad.. not bad. i have set up a blog just for my work. ramblings and updates la. can go if you wanna. www.-downunder.blogspot.com so can check on me and see how i am doing.. haha as if you care. ok ok. enjoy my photos. i really think i am quite pro. like soichiro! ;)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
hey gang,
well schools starting for me n py tmr.. end of 20day hols :) I feel q rested, all set to step into the brave new world..
mi & py are posted to SGH, hope it's fun la!
serene.. hope u learn alot n enjoy @ SENTOSA k!!
felika.. hang in there for u exams.. look forward to getting ur b'dae present ya :)
huay.. jiayou jiayou jiayou.. i know it, we know it, u can do it la! so bljd slty!
py.. tmr's the day sia.. of stepping into hosp, tmr onli got lec la.. but let's hope this 6wks is a good start to our clinical life.
to everione.. hope to see u guys soon! :D
the perfect moment
hey guys. did u read the sunday times today? apart from our junior who was suffering from cancer (its a sad post).. there's this page 31 that touched a part of me as well...
a memoir. do take time to read. but i will leave you with that two paragraphs that i like a lot.
".. in each case i tried to focus on something especially meaningful. i attempted to turn the occasion into what i had come to think of as a Perfect Moment. A Perfect Moment was a little gift of an hour, or an afternoon. itrs actual length was never the issue... i marvelled at how many perfect moments i was having. as much as i had loved the hustle and bustle of my previous life, i could not help but think back on how rare such moments had been. of course there had been perfect moments in my past. the day i married corinne. the day i adopted marianne, the day gina was born. but almost all those moments one could have seen coming. they were not the mundane, fabric-of-life stuff..."
-- eugene o'kelly
what Perfect Moments do you have?
and what Perfect Moments have i shared with each of you?
cherish life. its too short.
love and more love,
my love.. summer is here! yay!
gotta apologise for changing the skin once more.. i think that skin got virus ah!
hope this gives a happy summerish feel..
bintan was FUN! sun.sand.sea. but i am burnt!
tried this thing called bodyboarding!
cool man.. feel like a surferdude or smtg.
the sand there is sooo fine! and the waves are big enough to surf a bit.
just like a paradise.
we should go someday
or try to organise some SUMMER TRIP somewhere.
i m starting my internship at the sunnyislandofsentosa on monday.
scared, but excited too.
all the best to the meddies on monday as well!
huay.. exams nearing? hows weather like over there? is it summer or spring still?
felly! all the best for exams.
these few days had been wonderful!
haha i hope its great for u too!
come! fall asleep with this song - with me!
每一次kiss you goodbye
Monday, April 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
hey guys
off to bintan tmr.. just come on to say bye, and pray i be safe yeah? as usual la.. the coward me speaking. scared anything bad happen to me there.
ive finished packing....
bag is damn heavy.
i cannot travel light i realise.
ok. till thursday. take care y'all!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
NeW ZeaLanD

Hi guys!
miss you all...
serene: hope your paper was good:D
felicia: jia you for your coming papers!!!
Hua yu: jia you too! we'll see you very soon! counting down
huimin: have you been sleeping??? or watching vcds non stop?
ha..just wanted to share with you guys my experience of taking the plane alone :D
well...the 10 hr flight was ok lah :) thought about a lot of things, i got a window seat and the plane was super empty, so the 2 seats beside me were empty. yup so i had the whole row to myself ..
i watched narnian + the korean movie (All in love - the one that is something like love actually, very sweet and touching)
yup..ALL was fine, till i arrived at the auckland airport.
ha..it was AN EXPERIENCE, i must say.
cos i helped jing bring mushrooms and dried shrimps over, i had to declare all these food, they are very strict cos it's an agricultural based country.
i THOT i would be ok since i dutifully declared everything. BUT...
blur me didn't bring along my e ticket to show that i had booked my return tickets, neither did i know the booking no. arghhhhh... so they got suspicious
yah i was that blur (i was supposed to travel with 3 other people, and lilian had booked the tickets, she couldn't make it last minute so everything was a rush, only knew i was travelling alone at 1am the night before)
anyway, they searched my bags and even thought i was smuggling drugs :( even inserted a litmus paper like thing to check for narcotics - and yes, he actually asked me "do you know what narcotics are??" forgive me but i really tried super hard to not RoLL my EyEs @
the customs officer really made me SUPER EXASPERATED. seriously. and i was like in there for super long time.
it was no fun loh...being interrogated and ask like a hundred times whether you're sure you have no drugs, and i must say they are quite bias towards asians (but i later found out that we can't really blame them, cos of their experience with some Chinese here), anyway, in short, they weren't very nice lah.
ha...thankful that i got through. it was a bad experience, ha...maybe once in a lifetime - that i actually got suspected of smuggling drugs..haha..
praying that the return trip would be a more pleasant one...ha..and looking forward to the nice ice cream they serve on SQ. :)
see you guys soon! miss ya...