hello everyone, seems a little quiet on our blog these days. busy days busy days.
anyway, both the green adidas watch and the casio baby-g watch, given to me respectively by mama and papa, have long run out of battery. and to have to replace the batteries properly with the water-resistant resealing costs about more than what a new average-low priced watch would cost. and plus, it's not really my fault that the crummy (albeit nicely familiar) baby-g ran out of battery the day i left for england. like -__-' thanks. haha ya la so anyway since then i've been using the clock in my room and my handphone to tell the time. perfectly fine. just that i guess a watch is sort of an essential you know. like exams, and when handphone runs out of batt. and all that la.
so after scouting about for an ok-priced watch plus good quality, i've decided against the (very limited collection of in-store) swatch watches, because i remember they used to tick so freaking loudly. i really liked this kinetic swatch that my aunt gave me for all its swiss goodness and like, you know, the whole concept of time and all that. but it ticked more frequently than by the second ok. a normal one would go "tick. tick. tick. tick." this one, especially during the "O" levels papers ah, when all is quiet, walaoeh, "ticktickticktickticktickticktick". so that's why i decided against getting a typical swatchy watch la, although it's reliable and all that.
and i decided on a casio. there's this "sheen" series of ladies' casios and they are so sleek. but i thought i didn't wanna spend too much la. so i decided on this really cool watch.
and here it is!

my new old-style watch :) and i like it very much. what do you think. ha.