yakuza - always worth it in the name of fun!

the gang. 9 years of friendship.. and i heard the fraction will tend to one as we age.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Dublin, Ireland

Hello guys I'm at a budget hostel now. Using the limited internet access over here.

Just to say Dublin is interesting. And that I'll have to tell you guys so much more when I'm free.

Take care yah.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Special Powers

oh man i've just showered and while drying my hair this thought flashed past my mind:

that laoda's, seng's and my trips overseas will be like...

"Hualahuala党/会,今日已上过刀山, 下了火海, 走遍万里路, 我们带了此珍贵无比的宝物归来。"

yeah and then we all whip out some little stuff, usually coordinatedly in a set for the gang.

and it's like i've been meaning to say that over these years, there's this figment of my imagination that interprets this part of us as the characters in a computer game. that like all the little stuff we've collected over the years is like adding "special powers" to our satchel of powers. hahahaha.

okok enough. back to work. heh.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

hey guys!

yeap. leaving soon.. so just wanna post something la.
everyone take care ok?
py... praying for you! be strong.. and call me if u need anything! :)
laoda, have a great trip to taiwan!
felly, hope to see you SOON.. yesh will rem the prezzies
and huay! hang in there w the exams
.. and have fun with your retreat. looking forward to your return.
*hugz* everyone and pls pray for my safe return! hahaha..
i m serious!

Saturday, May 21, 2005


老大!哈批波福嘚!haha that's happy birthday la.

anyway this is in advance cos i won't be anywhere near a computer on 30th of may la. my exams end on 24th, that's on tuesday. and i'll be in dublin from 25th to 28th. then geneva till the 2nd. i'll go into retreat you see.

i wanna get away and run away..at least for a while la.

so anyway please take good care of yourselves.

seng looks like your summer plans are working out just fine. haha. post pictures or something yeah.

flea and ah py what's up mann. i miss you guys la.

talk soon, hopefully before i disappear totally for a while.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

hiyah i miss you all la...

Happi Birthday!!

yo huay happi birthday!
haf lots of fun.. study hard.. jiayou!
the big 20!! :p

Saturday, May 14, 2005

jiayou huay for exams!

hey huay! how s ur first paper? heard u called.. get bk to mi soon ya :D
jiayou jiayou jiayou!!!!!
hang in there
gang power.. come on everione lets " oOOMmmm" and gif huay some super power or sumthing

hang in there.. it ll b over b4 u noe it
take care everione :D

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


hello everyone...ah! seng did you put that song on the blog? or huimin la isit. haha it's nice.. :) but after leaving the page and going back to it again, the song doesn't play anymore. how come...

and anyway here's a post to break the cycle of tagging comments only. heh.

i'm getting rather stressed out with my exams. i hope i do fine.

huayuan's been tired and stressed and busy and grumpy with the initial adjustments that he's got to make for his housemanship. haii. and i'm stressed out myself too.

anyway i'll be going to dublin and geneva after my exams. i end on the 24th. so 25th-28th: dublin; 28th to 2nd: geneva. thereafter i shall be back to pack up my things properly (cos need to move out the coming academic year). i'm leaving on the 10th of june la. so i'll see you guys then ok.

take care everyone. i miss all at home.